Here are some great source of knowledge on Ethnomathematics.
Joshua Abah Abah’s Ethnomathematics Research Articles are freely available on Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Hal Archives, Zenodo, Humanity Commons, Zotero, Academia.Edu, Open Science Framework, ORCID, SSRN, and UAM OER
Impact of Using Tiv Language for Teaching and Learning Mathematics on Students’ Achievement in Benue State. I. P. Anyagh, E. I. O’kwu, and B. I. Imoko
Effect of Ethnomathematics Teaching Approach on Senior Secondary Student’s Achievement and Retention in Locus. E. E. Achor, B. I. Imoko, and E. S. Uloko
Improving Students’ Retention in Junior Secondary School Statistics Using the Ethno-Mathematics Teaching Approach in Obi and Oju Local Government Areas of Benue State, Nigeria. Kurumeh, M. S., Onah, F. O. and Mohammed, A. S.
The Imperatives of Tiv Oral Poetry and its Influence on Oral Language Development among Tiv Children. J. T. Dankaro and P. H. Agoom
What is Ethnomathematics, and How can it help Children in Schools? Ubiratan D’Ambrosio
Ethnomathematics: Link between Traditions and Modernity. Ubiratan D’Ambrosio
Society, Culture, Mathematics and its Teaching. Ubiratan D’Ambrosio
From Ethnomathematics to Ethnocomputing: Indigenous Algorithms in Traditional Context and Contemporary Simulation. B. Babbit, D. Lyles, and R. Englash
Multimathemacy. Karen Francois and Rik Pinxten
Local Mathematics Education. Karen Francois and Others
Ethnomathematics and its Integration within Mathematics Curriculum. W. Zhang and Q. Zhang
Ethnomathematics and Mathematical Literacy: People Knowing Mathematics in Society. Tine Wedege
A Philosophical Justification for Ethnomathematics and some Implications for Education. Bill Barton
Moving into Third Space: High School Students’ Funds of Knowledge in the Mathematics Classroom. Steve Thornton
Third Space: Blended Teaching and Learning. Debra Mayes Pane
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